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Elfking Immortal Tales (PDF)


‘The witch looked about those inhuman eyes fixed upon her, and those gathered seemed as wingless angels to her dimmed vision, bright, yet not fully manifest, nor of the world as she knew. Wingless angels or dangerous children, those without souls who knew not the full import of the viscerality of a mortal life. She wished to be amongst her own kind, amongst the living, with those that knew the pain of age and lost youth, those that lived and died in the loam.’

The lands of Eas, the fantastic isles of the immortal fae—those undying, those unbegotten, those that age not.

How do they spend those long years of unending ennui, and keep at bay the constant threat of a fading twilight? For the immortals are not possessed of souls; they are merely the embodiment of dream spirits, held between reality and dissolution, between glory and annihilation. They need ever assert their very existence, or otherwise fade to naught upon the winds of oblivion.

Thus, they must strive to live. Their long lives are filled with all those vices and virtues of all possible worlds—love and hate, loyalty and treachery, jealousies and revenge, anger and regret. All of which course through their immortal veins, and it must ever be so, for the only alternative is that fearful child born of the void: Death.

In this collection are eighteen tales which offer a glimpse into a world of terrifying beauty—Eas, the land of the Elfking and the immortal fae!

Elfking Immortal Tales: A Book of Stories Set in the World of Eas (PDF)


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