A flying lizard attacks taking one of your bods away clutched in its talons. You and your opponent/s roll a dice and add their bods Moxie score. The player with the lowest score has one of his bods taken and removed from the board. Optional rules, allow that bod to make a Buff roll (as he fights against the clutches of the lizard) if he/she scores 8 or more they free themselves and plummet back through the jungle canopy. The opponent places your model in any terrain (that can be entered/moved through... no dropping them into lava). They are also nobbled for the next turn. Remember they may have to test to move if out of their leaders influence.
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Glad you like it. I am thinking that maybe it should be a test against a specific stat. I am thinking that rolling under buff to show the strength of breaking free. Similarly we may house rule that things like the T-rex, not only spawn randomly, but you can dodge with a moxie roll. As within my gaming group we wish the stats to be used more.
This sounds like a great scenario. I was thinking I might prefer the optional rules of the chance to get away but also have three flying creatures so potentially more grabbing of bods.