General Victor Hess
Hess is totally loyal to the Fuher and Germany, believing that in the Savage Core he can find ancient relics enabling his country to win the war. To this end he will sacrifice everything and everyone for his cause. What he lacks in natural strength he makes up with in intelligent and cunning.
Moxie Smarts Tick Guts Buff Clip
6 9 4 7 1 3
Nazi Treasure Hunter Bod
Moxie Tick Guts Buff Clip
6 1 2 1 2
Additional rules:
Modern Weapons: Treasure hunter bods may make ranged attacks at 10” rather than 8” due to their rifles. (Note Victor Hess is armed with a pistol so gets no such bonus.
Ammo Rule: Due to the lack of Ammunition found in the savage core for their rifles every time a Bod fires he must test to see if he runs out of ammo (we suggest starting each model with an ammo counter of some kind, under or on the base. After rolls to hit have been calculated roll for every bod that fired from this faction with a D10. On the roll of 1-5 remove the ammo counter. This bod can make no more ranged attacks. Note Hess does not test, he makes sure he gets the lions share of the ammo.
Tricks, Mob Scenes and Relics:
Mob Scene:
“Feuer!!!” (Fire!!) (minimum requirement 3 bods with ammo within Hess Influence range Smart score of 13 required)
All bods within influence range with ammo may fire twice this turn making two ranged attacks as per usual. However they automatically fail their ammo checks.
Relic Iron Cross: Activating the Iron Cross gives Hess + 3 to his Buff score this turn only.
Relic Stick Bomb: Hess may throw a stick bomb this round at any target within eyeball with 8” range (he can even choose a target that will effect his own men, his a nasty sort). The Relic Hunter player declares an eligible target. Then roll a D10. Result 10 = All figures in a 3” radius take 2 damage to their tick stat. =9-5 as per the 10 result but only 1 tick of damage is taken. =4-2 its a dud, no effect. =1 It goes off prematurely taking 2 tick off of Hess )and probably a hand) he is also nobbled for this turn and cannot move (his probably picking himself up).
Hero surge: “für das Vaterland!” (“For the Fatherland”) (A bod must be selected within shooting range of Hess) Hess makes an example of a fellow soldier bod he feels is not showing enough zeal for the cause. Remove the bod as a casualty and Hess may not shoot another target this turn. All remaining Bods double their Guts and clip scores for the remainder of this turn.
Hero Surge ‘Rutschig Kunden’ (Slippery Customer) (A bod must also be in base contact with the enemy Hess wishes to break away from) Hess may automatically break combat this turn without testing, but the bod must remain (Hess has probably thrown him in his way). Whats more the effected enemy model cannot break from this combat this turn.
Designer note: I am yet to test this with my friend. So will post up amendments but I will take suggestions onboard.
Nick :-)